Woodstock Women
Women’s Ministry
Welcome to the Women’s Ministry! We are so glad you are here.
Women’s Ministry at Woodstock Community Church exists to provide space for women of all walks and life stages to come together for one common purpose: to glorify God!! Scripture tells us, and we know from experience, that we are stronger together. We were made to live life in community, and we would love to see you join ours.
Together, we strive to grow in our love and admiration for Jesus Christ, understand how that affects our lives in the day to day moments and experience greater freedom and joy as we abide more deeply with our Savior. Women’s Ministry is open to any and all women interested in finding a community of biblical support and fellowship. No strings attached. No requirements. We hope you will join us.
Our women currently meet every other Thursdays at 6 p.m. at our church building. For more information, please contact our Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Jennifer Grant.