Sunday Mornings
We meet from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. every Sunday at 6911 SE Flavel Street in Portland, Oregon (97206).
During this time, we will worship together through music, hear a teaching from the Bible meant to encourage and stretch us in our walks with God and pray for each other and the world around us. We invite all to come listen to God's Word, whether you have questions, are new to the faith or have been a Christian for years. You are welcome here!
There is childcare for ages birth through age four during worship. Older children will worship alongside their parents.
Bible studies for all ages are on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. We offer activities for children ages six weeks through 5th grade, teens & 20s, as well as an adult Bible study class.
Prayer & Study Gatherings
Each Sunday at 5 p.m., we gather together for a time of prayer in our Worship Center. We share specific prayer requests and also pray for our church, city and nation.
On Wednesdays at 5 p.m., we come together for food and fellowship, followed by prayer from 6 to 7 p.m. We’d love to have you join us during this time—all are welcome!
On Saturdays at 6 p.m., we have a Spanish-speaking Bible study on campus. Click here for more information.
Make Deeper Connections
Woodstock Kids
A ministry for kids, ages six weeks through fifth grade.
Woodstock Students
For 6th-12th graders
Women’s Ministry
For ladies of all ages and stages.
Men’s Ministry
For men of any age or life stage.
Join Us
6911 SE Flavel Street, Portland, OR 97206
Sundays 11 a.m.